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The e-learning platform contains recordings of courses offered by SIA “Mācību centrs Liepa”, which allow you to acquire the necessary knowledge and skills for safe work performance – at a convenient place and time for you, anywhere in the world where there is internet access!
The course will be available in your learning profile after payment and you can take the course at a time convenient for you.
Each course has several lectures (lecture topics can be viewed in the description of each course), lectures can be listened to all in a row or in parts.
The indicated price is for the entire course, including the preparation and sending of the certificate via Latvijas Pasts, if necessary.
You can pay for the courses immediately by making a payment with a bank card or your internet bank (this option is available only to private individuals), as well as request an invoice and make a transfer (for legal entities and private individuals).
Access to the courses is opened when we have received payment for the courses. If you paid with an internet bank or bank card – access to the courses will be available in a few minutes. If you received an invoice and made the payment by transfer – access will be opened after receiving the payment, you will also receive information about this in your e-mail (access can be received earlier by sending a payment order and agreeing with the study coordinator)!
After purchase, the course will be available in your learning profile for 2 weeks.
For the training courses – “Minimum hygiene requirements in a food company” and “Basic principles of establishing a self-control system (HACCP) in food companies” there is an electronic certificate and it will be available in your profile after passing the test, this certificate is valid and you can download or print it!
For other courses, we prepare certificates after you have passed the test and we have received your test results. The production of certificates takes 1-2 working days and you can receive it from us – Braslas Street 24C, Riga or we will send it by mail to the address you provided!
Ja nepieciešamas apmācības, tad tikai un vienīgi “Liepa”. Profesionāli pasniedzēji, draudzīga un pretimnākoša attieksme. Jau otro reizi izeju pirmās palīdzības kursus – viennozīmīgi nākšu atkal. Veiksmi visai mācību centra komandai!
Ilze Suhocka
12/02/2024Izmantoju ,,Mācību centra ,,Liepa” piedāvātos kursus ,Apstādījumu plānošana ,veidošanā un kopšana.kā arī ,Augu aizsardzībā’-PALDIES🌻par profesionālās pilnveides izglītības apguvi lektorei Ivetai Ozolai un labajam gariņam Irēnai Keišai……Iesaku izmantot interesējošos kursus ,,Liepā”.Ar cieņu Sigita Konovalova.
Sigita Konovalova
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